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All lyrics by CF Reis, most of them found at the album "28/8/2"

Iron Hand

A stranger found the lyrics

A cold white girl endlessly chats

Stalking like Neil Young,

Someone gets late always for a change

A cat tucked in a ruined bag

Iron hands stick to beer stains

The sky grows over our trite heads

Were all shrinking now

We learned all the right standards

And got meaninglessly freed

Some got out for hot booze

Someones barking at mongrel dogs

A crooners scattering words sheets

A colour-blind man watch a glass

Cold snaps hit your flesh while

Grisly drones hit your eardrums

Chords sound so morose

Hard rounders sing by piled crates

Some crept, scrambled cables then

Got a dimmed road while showers swoop

I didnt feel my head was

On my neck the night before

(Chords for this song)

Em A F#m5+/7

Bm7 Em7 (2)

F#m D D/G REF Em F#m G (3)


Red Green Beacons

I got to a nothing town

With women at bus stops

You spilled your rustic accent

I could not get the flirt


With love I could wish

With pain even more

As your light fades my view

Dont make a refugee

Dont make a refugee


I saw you some high times,

and in me, your figures blurred

A plastic water bottle

With holes and lots of ice



You thought Id be someone else,

If I wasnt you

Sing your tempting last words now

Take me out tonight




white walls are lipstick blurred now

everyday she bangs her head

she's ten and gonna get used to it

true love walks in that small hut

"say your prayers" he says at night

one more drink and go to bed now

real smart guy

moaning to the window

now he likes behind

his wife turns her back

all the time

pictures on the floor

rags inside her mouth

forget, nothing's happened

not at all

nightmares she has it in broad daylight

each time she walks out of home

outside he is not that monster

insects all over the place

it's getting hot, the city's getting poor

we step into the dark of a dead world



saw you last night

laying on my bed

laying on an alcohol pool

blood on your lips

blood on your breasts

blood on your thigs


we are the specters of life

in a world we thought was real

meanwhile you watch out your crimes >While you watch over your crimes

some prick is watching you

sleep all the time

thought you were dead

make us feel scared

thought you were God

throwing me a sin

ill have my catholic work


Cramped Rooms

She doesnt like who dont love like me

Jostled by the empty space

I am still her brave man, her ward

Trampled prospects, ask for more

She said: "Cravings so pleased torture"

Then she asked my soul

Without careworn expression, she has gone

Made us feel like naughts again

We hid all our aversions, with pain

Fallen through these times again

So she kept on talking

But I couldnt hear anything at all

I remember she showed me a dusty bureau

And right behind her portrait the handcuffs

My death wont be a problem for me after it happens

I still manage to walk, move my arms

She seemed very common to me before that

Whatever she wants from me, she already have



The bright side of hell

Dont let me here

This grounds so cold

I didnt kill her

No, any harm

Squeeze my dry eyes

till I cant see you anymore

another man falls

so slow

This morning

down in hell


I could breath

Shes my eternal

straining view

I was lurching

Prompting bawds


No Ace Out There

one more being down the sun

swarming in the mass

perfect births just cant go wrong

dumbs, we live everyday

driving us to graves

once, when I drove your car

traffics jammed but I

didnt see no ace out there

naught that would make me use

one sense I still had

one creature down the moon

tangling up himself

just grow up and multiply

out, by a flashing light

she beckoned at last

(Chords for this song)

F# A Ab (B) F#AAbG

F#m7 G7+ A D9

A Am A9 A9/7+ F#m7

G Gm5- Em F#m7

A Am A9 A9/7+ F#m7

G Gm5- Em F#m7 F#m7/E


The Countryside Syndrome

Bend the sight so that it seems less hostile

How could she take it so seriously?

I saw the slight scrape, hedious chums

They can foresee their own behaviour

And worst thing is most times theyre right

She wanna have fun, a seething task

I had a nightmare which I cannot remind

But it was so clear

Dont know nothing about reaction

I got out, will you take the toil?

The outcomes better when you expect to lose

Time elapsed and then followed inertia

We spend our lifetime trying to kill ourselves

The slowest way we can, shes not in.


Man behind the shadow

It was that man behind the shadow who made me

It was not I who made him

And now that Im going away

I let this dummy in my stained place

In the wasteful beginning I thought I existed

I told you all: dont worry

Meanwhile we just have to survive

Until the day I thought I created that dismal man

After a long while being his flesh

I conclude it was that bloody man behind the shadow who created me

So I became a lunatic and had to disappear within two days

And now theres only the dummy and somebody behind it with the remote control

God makes his own tragedy and gets illusions of other beings.


God bless all our harlots

i have to wait you turn me on

now, after all, you walk alone

i was the witness of Englands crime

now i could even say goodbye

i don't really understand

i don't really care

it just seems that it has no end

but id never knew

i've already read them and hit the road

i saw the harlots waiting for the bus

at the time you came around my grave

the animals said: death is just a word

i just tried to hold out dry

walking on your head

i just saw you passing by

but i never knew




Last night I was dreaming about us in the capital

But we could watch the streets of our city

It was cold and nobody was out

At night we couldn't see the stars, only the clouds

Like in the seashore road on the hills

But there was a building and somebody there singing a weird song

In your town, very strange

I heard these drums and felt the weight of my head

Your lights are on?

I cannot sleep, but it doesn't matter

Tomorrow I'll wake up anyway

The hunter said he was not a preacher

That he had one

But he had the head of one right there

Last night I was dreaming of us in our city

Last night I was dreaming of us in the capital

I was running, trying to catch Jesus

But I got tired and stopped to have a drink

I'm not a man,

Just a being.


Passion Sunday

ancient virgins, hear my voice

on the passion Sunday, I mean

everybody was doing their prayers

but me, I have no compassion

the gasoline all over the place

father and me we did light the match

on the TV news I heard the numbers

sisters, sisters, I am not scared

I said

Well hide our next crimes

the gruesome song on the radio

her signature on the last page

I can't remember the reason why

I kissed once, I kissed her twice

I felt the sweetness in my skin

I can't explain, it was a sin

witches don't condemn me now

is not this a brotherhood ?

I asked.







I used to in the eighties

I used to travel a lot

I try to live on the nineties

I try so hard to live


Sister keeps the animals in the barn

Mother keeps the animals in the room






were ice

work for the job

love to love

only technology

mind for the perfect work

my mind

computers mind

high speed

gruesome brain

mind is your machine

mind is your trash

were artists

we sell computers

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